Saturday, August 16, 2014

Why should we use Ruby on Rails framework?

Let’s talk, why should we use Ruby on Rails when dozen of language and frameworks are available.

1. Ruby on Rails provides a consistent approach to build your web applications. If you have already experienced with other web development language or framework, you can understand, how tough it was process, you typically need to survey and ask with expert to choose your various software components to solve the common architectural problems of persistence,  build scripts, testing, logging, database setup, application configuration, web tier components and rest of software life cycle. Using the Ruby on Rails framework these decisions are already made for you, now you can spend more time to understanding software business problem and quickly build a working prototype. By using Rails you become productive in minutes not weeks or months.

2. Ruby on Rails follow CONVENTION OVER CONFIGURATION pragmatic philosophy, this apply in all layers of your software development architecture with the highest productivity gains noticeable in the relationship between the model and the database(ORB- Object Relationship Model). Once the developer understands the rules and constraints, Rails MVC magically connects your view to your controller and model, and your model to the database. That’s awesome .!! You do not have to write any script or tool to manage all this ==> MVC – Model View and Controller.

3. When we talk about OOP’s, Ruby is a fully featured object-oriented language and in addition Ruby come with mix-ins modules which contain independent code to inject into your classes and block. Ruby is an extremely dynamic/run time language, which means that code can be generated and executed on the fly. It’s dynamic nature includes the definition of new classes & methods, as well as the overloading of operators etc. Apart from this you can re-open, redefine and removed existing classes on fly.

4. Unlike other web language and framework, rails has build in templating support, json/xml document and email service.

5. Rails comes with ActiveRecord, Association and ActiveModel(object relationship mapping), which provides seamlessly persisted interface to database like transactions, inheritance, validation, scope and caching.

6. Rails includes support for a variety of web technologies like JavaScript libraries, JQuery, REST, Embedded ruby, HAML, CoffeeScript etc. with configuration in development, test and production environments. If you are planing your application into Web 2.0 space, Rails provides a rich abstracted interface to implementing AJAX operations.

7. Most important rails gives us flexibilities to perform database migration and rollbacks between environments and across development until project at mature stage. However with the Rails framework you will be delighted with the implementation of database migrations for applying and rolling back database changes. You only need to enter your update and rollback scripts in Ruby, framework understands the current version & can move forwards or backwards to any database version.

8. Getting started with Rails is easy as generators/migration will propel you along. DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle of Rails encourage experience developer to write less code by using the meta programming features of Ruby. Overall less code to write means higher productivity, less bugs and minimum complexity.

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